Globalized Languages

When I was young, Chinese to me is Chinese. So, when you say Chinese, it has to be Chinese. But in today, it is no longer the same. For example, Korea songs are used to be listened by Korea people or those who understand Korea. But, now even Malaysians listen to it, whether you understand the lyrics are about doesn’t matter. There’s a good example which I found recently, Malaysia Chabor by Joyce Chu, a song that consists different languages. This song is created by a Malaysian youtuber and sang by Joyce Chu. It is about her life and people’s opinions toward her. The first sentence or lyrics from the song “Anyong Anyong Hassayo” which is Korean language, means hello as well as “Kasahamita” which stands for thank you.



This represents language of globalization where people can use languages to make a song; globalisation has been expanded massively which includes pop musics, news, advertsing, sports and entertainment.

Music has now globalized where you can listen to Korea songs, Indian songs or English song. What really makes it more globalized is that video music of songs can be used with fewer languages and cultures, features, dressing, designs can be mixed in. There’s where Hip-hop comes from which is called popular culture. In the old days, songs were written based on own cultures from mainland which does not include any other things about the outside such as Korea song, it has to be Korean language but now it can be mixed in with other language such as English. For me, language is one thing that I can describe as globalization.

Furthermore, news that we have been watching everyday on TV is no longer only localized but globalized which reports all over the world. For example, when the MAS flight incident happened, reporters from all over the world concern on this and it can be as it has been reporting this incident worldwide.In this point, English is the language used for reporting in general. In addition, advertising is also globalized where we can tell form Mcdonaldization; ads use English to promote so that it can be understood widely. One thing that says everything about globalization is the language used of technologies and environment such as google and Charles and Keith which its brochures used English.

All in all, everything around us is now globalized in forms of language, technologies, education and social communications.



Holton.R (2000), Globalization’s Cultural Consequences, The Annals of the American Academy, AAPSS 570

Gheorghe.T (2012), The Cultural Dimension of Globalization, Geopolitics and Geostrategies: Tendencies and Perspectives, Strategic Impact No.1 , page 31-36